·Ancient art not just for looking2019-12-12
·Creative adaptation of classics key to spreading Chinese culture2018-09-04
·Short but splendid: Popularity of micro-opera growing2018-01-09
·Contemporary wuxia films to adopt new narrative strategy to attract audience2017-04-25
·IP boom reflects drastic shift in popular aesthetics2017-02-20
·Emphasis on substance needed to raise global appeal of domestic film industry2016-07-21
·TV dramas show uphill struggle of women against gender norms2016-06-24
·Quality period dramas grounded in refined aesthetics2016-03-08
·Telling ‘Chinese stories’ on the big screen2014-09-26
·The largest national art museum in the world to be built in China2014-02-14
·In small-town China, movies are big2013-11-09
·Artistic transcendence meets gender politics2013-10-26
·Petroglyph studies in modern and contemporary China2012-11-21
Interview with Wang Gungwu on significance of studying overseas Chinese
Wang Gungwu is a distinguished Australian historian who studies overseas Chinese. He currently works at the Faculty o...